Newcomer’s Form

    Contact Information

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Optional Information

    Telephone Number:

    Street Address:

    City: State: Zip code:

    How would you like for our Chatelaine to contact you?
    Please, by emailPlease, by phonePrefer not to be contacted

    Please fill out the information below so we can get to know you better.

    How did you hear about us?
    From a friend / relativeFrom a newspaper articleFrom our websiteFrom an internet search engineFrom a public event (such as fighter practice)From our Facebook groupI have moved into Vulpine Reach from another branchOther

    Do you know anyone that currently participates? If so, then please provide their name(s) below.

    Are you already a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism?
    If "Yes" then please tell us your SCA name.
    SCA name:

    What age range do you fall into:
    Under 1818 - 20 years21 - 30 years31 - 40 years41 - 50 years51+ years

    Do you have any children in your household? (Please select all that apply)

    What Society activities are you interested in?

    Do you have any other questions or comments?